Few days ago, I have a chance to talk with the watch master - Mr Ni (former Shanghai Watch Factory Technician) in his workshop. We have a discussion on when and why did the SHW factory to replaced the form of the Chinese word “Zuan” from a simple way of “Zuan占” to a more complicated “Zuan钻”on A 581’s dial.
He’s agreed my point of view, based on the launching time and the existing sample of model A-631 ladies watches, the time line of the factory using complicated form of “Zuan” on their products was about 1964. But why did they change? I need more evidence…
He stated that there was a Govenment Notice issued on 60’s to announce the new regulations on using simply Chinese words, or I can find out something from this announcement.
After searching the internet, I found that on 7 March 1964, Chinese Government - Chinese Words Revolution Committee, National Culture Bureau, National Education Bureau (中国文字改革委员会 中华人民共和国文化部 中华人民共和国教育部) had published an announcement on standardize of using simply Chinese words “《关于简化字的联合通知》” to public. On its appendix, “Simply Words General Chart 《简化字总表》”- Chart 1, I found the word “Zuan” in both simply & traditional Chinese there……. So, it’s all cleared!!!
Chinese & Seiko Vintage Watch

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Mystery of word “Zuan” using on Shanghai A581's is CLEARED!!!!
Chinese Watch - Shanghai Watch - A581